By levi69 - 18/05/2011 16:03 - United States

Today, after fifth block, I decided to go for a little walk. Apparently so did my boyfriend and best friend. I found them together under the stairs with her head in his crotch. She said she was looking for her contacts. His pants were pulled down. FML
I agree, your life sucks 60 584
You deserved it 4 720

Same thing different taste

Top comments

you should have took his dick and shoved it up her nose!

Iknoweverything 29

This is the first time I DIDN'T vote YDI. Not that any of you care, but I actually feel genuinely terrible for this girl. And I'm going to make it all about me by making sure all of you know how I feel.


danion 0

Thats really sad Op. I hope you broke up with him and realize you deserve far better. As for the" best friend" there are many more where she came from.

welllll, did she find them? i hate suspense...

She's a bitch, He's a douche. Break up with 'em both. something like that is disgusting, mean, stupid, should never be done, and cannot be forgiven, either of them. Unless it's an accident, which it never is, i mean what excuse would they have anyway? she tripped while he was masturbating? Yeah right.

Maybe she tripped...and accidentally pulled down his pants.. and her contact got lost in his genitalia..

drethereason 0

too bad he didn't poke her eye out ;-0

Beat.Her.Ass. He's obviously a douche and will cheat on you again with someone else if he hasn't already. But your best friend?! That hoe needs to get her ass whooped. I hate slutty girls....

Well did she find her contacts ? If not did you help her look ?

zRoDenTz 0

if you would go down on him or have sex with him he wouldn't be cheating. It's your fault.

her contact fell on his dicks head and she wanted to see if he could pick it up with her mouth

a good friend would have offered to help look! ydi for not offering.