By misty - 28/06/2011 16:14 - Canada

Today, after checking in and waiting for three hours to see the doctor, the receptionist said she forgot about me because she didn't see me. She asked me to come back tomorrow. I was sitting right in front of her. FML
I agree, your life sucks 37 154
You deserved it 4 202

Same thing different taste

Top comments

structuredchaoz 4

You kinda deserve it for not saying anything.

ZombieeeeUnicorn 1

Somebody forgot to take off their Invisibility Cloak.


HU4L188 0

Shame on you for not being more noticable. Bleach your hair and then color it bright pink.

sometimes I wish they wouldn't mod the comments as much, sometimes I'm really interested in whatever he/she said, especially when it sparks a heated argument

allthatremains25 0

there's this thing called speaking up. maybe you should try it next time..

jeob1992 8

YDI for waiting 3 hours w/o saying anything

elpacino32605 0

yea most say if you are not attended within 30 mins please contact the front desk or ask a nurse or some shit like that...I definitely go up every 30 mins. you can't count on the dumb biotch behind the desk filing her nails and plucking her mustache all while updating her FB to remember you

Ah you poor thing with your good health system. You think 3 hours is bad? Here in Ireland, because everything is so shoddy, I was in the hospital for 8 hours just to get an X-Ray and then be told I was alright. It was evening when I went in and dawn when I went out. And I kept reminding them so I *know* I wasn't forgotten about.

a_nutritionist 10

if you were alright why the hell were you at a hospital...

Because I didn't ******* know I was alright... thats why people go to doctors. To find out.

#123 Sometimes you can tell if you broke something or it's just sprained, that's what x-rays are for... #145 that was at an A&E right? I think OP was at a GP so 3 hrs would be a total piss take..

a_nutritionist 10

i cant think of anyone whos had an x-ray done to be told "oh, youre fine". bruised bone, torn muscle, tissue damage, something. nope. youre alright. sure thing buddy.

I had an x-ray on my wrist when I sprained it because it was so swollen they thought it was broken. As far as I'm concerned my wrist was fine because it wasn't broken. He said he was 'alright' not totally perfectly fine.. i.e nothing was broken. I think we're all aware there must've been something wrong to require an x-ray but it was probably nothing serious/ nothing they could treat. Also if you just had a cast off they x-ray the area again to check it's 'fine'. So plenty of people have x-rays just to be told they're 'fine' every day of the week..

it's happened to me sucks!

Well that's Canada for yeah. At least you have the great healthcare that we pay our taxes for. 3 hours isn't bad... come to alberta, you'll be waiting MUCH longer. It takes 15 minutes for an ambulance when it used to take 9 a couple years ago, and that in itself is long. Our hospitals and doctors offices are always packed. The clinics are full and you have to wait almost a full day to get in. Be glad you aren't american, not only do they have to wait to get in, but they have to pay for every visit out of their pockets, and their insurance doesn't even cover as much as the Canadian heath care does, they don't have cross country heath care like we do, because they don't pay taxes for it. My ex-husband was american, and when I lived in the USA, their health care was awful, especially when I had my 2nd baby.

a_nutritionist 10

just thought id point out, one reason for longer waits for ambulances would include an increase in traffic from a growing population...

Well we are glad your damn freeloading selfish ass is gone too. FYI ahole, most, and I mean MOST US healthcare policies cover an American everywhere in the World... even in third-world healthcare systems like yours. Why? Because Canada KNOWS they are going to get PAID for their services to Americans. FYL, and the donkey you road across the border on.

I've lived in alberta for 35 years. I'm more than aware of that. But there's also a lack of doctors, my dad works in the medical field and always says that there's a short of doctors.

a_nutritionist 10

far side is clearly losing his mind. the belief that american healthcare is anything other than unacceptable is the sign of someone so deluded in how great they think they are, they overlook even the worst aspects of their own country. only the most disgustingly patriotic fools have that kind of attitude, FYL for not being capable of critical thought.

TheTwistedOtaku 16

i don't see the problem here.