By kaleighf - 28/04/2016 01:46 - United States - Hollywood

Today, a new girl showed up at my school and everyone really seems to be intrigued about her. I've been told at least five times today that she is the hotter version of me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 14 096
You deserved it 1 181

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Well maybe in looks but she could turn out to be a complete bitch and you may be awesome so I wouldn't sweat it. Everyone has their preferences.


Agreed, but they don't have to insult OP in the process. I think that's more the point of the FML.

Well don't hold it against her or use it as an excuse to have a new enemy, she could be a really cool friend one day. Ignore the ignorant !

Atleast they said hotter version instead of hot version...

She's new so everyone is all over her. After a few weeks everything will go back to normal.