By thisreallyhappened - 15/05/2009 02:39 - United States

Today, a little girl at my work had an accident. She asked me to help her change, and as she was changing she stuck her hand in her vagina to make sure all the "peepee was gone". She then put that same hand on my face to balance herself as she finished changing. FML
I agree, your life sucks 63 772
You deserved it 3 970

Same thing different taste

Top comments

It would make more sense if you said the kid put her hand in her crotch. The way you've got it, it sounds like she was fisting herself. :/


sublime93 0

I'm sure there are people who would be jealous of your situation.

zyang31 0

Well at least it wasn't Today, a litte girl at my work had an accident. She asked me to help her change, and as she was changing she stuck her hand in her ****** to make sure all the "peepee was gone". She then proceeded to put that same hand on my face to balance herself as she finished changing. That was the most intimate encounter with a female I've had in a long time. FML.

squeaksx24 0

Totally disgusting. FYL indeed.

youfailatlife 0

Oh big deal. Hope you never have kids, because you will be peed, pooped, and thrown up on. Whatever dumbass suggested she was being molested, very small children have few inhibitions about their private areas or touching them.

fyi, the pee doesn't come out of the ******.. out of the urethra. lmao

gtdoll 0

HAHAHA!! -laughs- i feel bad for you but its funny!

Guys, i think the OP meant the general area. Stop your playing dumb. Ew.

thelonelylurker 0

Meh, it's a little kid. What's with all the over-reacting whiny 14-year-old commentors on this site?