By Anonymous - 07/04/2011 13:28 - United Kingdom

Today, a guy who annoys me walked over. To avoid speaking to him, I pretended to be on the phone and he walked away. A few moments later, my phone rang. I looked around to see if he'd seen me. He had. He was the one ringing me from down the hall. FML
I agree, your life sucks 11 634
You deserved it 40 074

Same thing different taste

Top comments

but you gave him your number and he annoys you?

Don't be rude and talk to him for a while. It's more like FHL cause he probably thought you were his friend.


YDI... however I do not disagree with you... I've been down that same road... I mean we all have that person at work... if you don't then guess what its prob you... so eff em all I say good job to you for atleast trying to be inconspicuous.. FHL for being that guy... but still you gotta know YDI...

viciouspanda 0

hahahahah set yourself up for that one!!

That is why you turn your phone on silent to avoid that

If he annoys you so much, how and why does he your number?

kleopath 11

Put your phone on vibrate. Problem solved.

Why do all you people fail at life and post constant variations of the same story!!! There is no point other then it makes you look dumb...

faithjanicki 2

I understand that this is totally rude but it's not stupid that he has her number. She probably gave it to him before she realized he annoys her. Geez.

JordanDempsey 20