By ZittyMii - 03/07/2010 19:52 - United States

Today, a friend of mine had a Wii party and made everyone into Miis. My Mii had freckles. I don't have freckles. When I commented on it, she said, "Well, there isn't a zit feature." FML
I agree, your life sucks 43 452
You deserved it 6 100

Same thing different taste

Top comments

woooo that sucks!! sorry op. zits are temporary though :)

that is really harsh of them, why are you friends with them?!?


im sorry , that 'friend' sucks big time

smokergirl420 0

#37 please don't talk. and yeah it's not ur fault u have zits they will go away someday

and you call her a friend. Sorry Op. get some proactive when I was young I got zit and that helped. Also you can get the regular perts plus shampoo. put a dab on each zit at night. Seriously that helps. Just make sure you use lotion everyday.

Lol a wii party? How old are you guys?

when my friend made mine there was like this long thing hanging out of my pants and going around my neck. I asked what it was. apprently there's a horsedick feature.