By ZittyMii - 03/07/2010 19:52 - United States

Today, a friend of mine had a Wii party and made everyone into Miis. My Mii had freckles. I don't have freckles. When I commented on it, she said, "Well, there isn't a zit feature." FML
I agree, your life sucks 43 452
You deserved it 6 100

Same thing different taste

Top comments

woooo that sucks!! sorry op. zits are temporary though :)

that is really harsh of them, why are you friends with them?!?


Virus963 5

Shoulda used a randomized mii and who has wii parties?

nyuu1234 0

there is a zit feature but still thats so mean :(

Psiren 0

wiis suck they aren't even real consoles they're like those baby einstein consoles and don't have the cheap plastic from fisherprice they're garbage

You comment alot. & you have a problem against lesbians? & agreed with #80. She is a bitch.

nero9112 4

So if the Wii is garbage than by logic Super Mario Galaxy (1 and 2) are garbage as well?

I don't have a problem if thier hot

awh :( that's horrible! i love Super Mario Galaxy! it's super fun :)