By ZittyMii - 03/07/2010 19:52 - United States

Today, a friend of mine had a Wii party and made everyone into Miis. My Mii had freckles. I don't have freckles. When I commented on it, she said, "Well, there isn't a zit feature." FML
I agree, your life sucks 43 452
You deserved it 6 100

Same thing different taste

Top comments

woooo that sucks!! sorry op. zits are temporary though :)

that is really harsh of them, why are you friends with them?!?


mmkk for starter ur friend is a ****** loser I mean come on a wii party? ........ GAY !

I love how everyone here trying to hate on a Wii commenter is proving to have an IQ level below a ******* turnip. It's obvious you all purchased your IQ's through an app...thank God there are warranties, because you all got ******

LOveLy_LOla 0

what a mean ass friend!! boo she sucks!!

should clean your face more, dirty dirty.

Do you even realised what happened? You were just dissed by a person who throws wii parties. D:

ppl shut the **** up about going to wii parties theyre AWESOME my 17yr old sister still has them and so do i its not stupid u ppl just dont know how to have fun so u criticize ppl that do know

hey guess what noone cares go bitch about it to ur mom

fml_kt 10

wow... & those are supposed to be your friends?