By out_of_my_head - 19/09/2013 09:55 - United States

Today, a co-worker described, in vivid detail in the middle of the office, how he dribbles after peeing, and often has a burning sensation. FML
I agree, your life sucks 37 897
You deserved it 2 744

out_of_my_head tells us more.

out_of_my_head 3

The comments are hilarious! The guy in question is in his 60's, and is one of those one-up anything you say type people who talks all day. I already avoid him at all costs, this is just more reason to. Not sure why it burns, but I would assume something isn't right down there, and it's not something to brag about to coworkers! I will be lysoling my desk on a daily basis!

Top comments

You mean sharing pee-pee stories in the office isn't normal? I need to apologize to my co-workers.

I presume you must've been quite pissed off ;)


Make sure you let him know that isn't normal & he should probably get that checked out ... Sounds like an STD.

Has he never heard about STD's and don't mind people knowing he has one?

An std isn't the only thing that can cause that though. But instead of describing it to a coworker, he should really be talking to his doc.

RedPillSucks 31

He's looking for free medical advice. *Yeah, you should definitely get that thing cut off*

@42. Definitely. No penis, no problem. Sounds about right, eh? Half the world's population has no penis and they survive just fine.

"And I'm burning, I'm burning, I'm burning for you"

RedPillSucks 31
TheDrifter 23

Clap on, clap off, the clapper.

Oh great. Nothing more fascinating than someone you work with talking about the latest disease they picked up!

Did you tell him to stop his story. I don't think anyone wants to hear that, that's just too personal. he should be telling a doctor

jw90 18

Some things just aren't on a need to know basis.