By out_of_my_head - 19/09/2013 09:55 - United States

Today, a co-worker described, in vivid detail in the middle of the office, how he dribbles after peeing, and often has a burning sensation. FML
I agree, your life sucks 37 897
You deserved it 2 744

out_of_my_head tells us more.

out_of_my_head 3

The comments are hilarious! The guy in question is in his 60's, and is one of those one-up anything you say type people who talks all day. I already avoid him at all costs, this is just more reason to. Not sure why it burns, but I would assume something isn't right down there, and it's not something to brag about to coworkers! I will be lysoling my desk on a daily basis!

Top comments

You mean sharing pee-pee stories in the office isn't normal? I need to apologize to my co-workers.

I presume you must've been quite pissed off ;)


There is rarely a time anyone uses or says "too much information". This would be one of those times...

I accidentally hit ydi, so minus 1 on that part. I'm sorry you had to deal with tmi from your coworker, that's a definite fml moment.