By Wmsys32pr9 - 30/03/2009 05:06 - United States

Today, a 7-year-old girl came up to me and told me to go fuck myself. I told her to watch her language or else I'd tell her parents. Her mom happened to be nearby and actually heard the conversation; she came up to me and told me to go fuck myself as well. FML
I agree, your life sucks 633
You deserved it 78

Top comments

I hate little kids. Even worse, little kids with bad parents.

jaxx11 0

you should have said "if you just woulda ****** YOURself, we wouldn't have THIS (point at the kid) problem"


i agree with #3. somehow, i suspect you must have done something to make the girl's mom angry earlier, and she told her daughter to say that to get back at you. really immature though. and if you didn't do anything at all, that's just cold. i hope it didn't totally ruin your day.

wickedlove 0

People like this make me want to have kids just so I can show all the messed-up parents how it should be done. If I have kids, they WILL speak properly, and they WILL be disciplined.

Some people just shouldn't be parents. When I was about 5, a younger girl said hello to me in a store, and I told her not to speak to strangers. Later, her mother told my mother that I was a "rude little c***".

If I was five I would've fought that lady's daughter...

evilteriyaki301 0

kids and their stupid parents... hahaha #9

If I had of said that kind of stuff when I was little, I'd still be trying to find my teeth

haha #9 pretty much took the words out of my mouth. the mom is a total douche, her parenting skills are horrible. what happen to teaching kids right from wrong and to respect their elders. the mother needs a good ass whooping. cant really blame the kid, hes just learning from his so-called 'role model'

I'm with you guys. I hate kids like this. And unfortunately I have a few living in our little area. IN fact one kid was destroying a tree in our front garden bit so we told her to stop. She says says "No, what are you going to do about it?". So I says I'll tell her mother, so the kid runs home and I think thats the end of it. No, the parent comes over and yells at me for shouting at her child. I say I didn't shout, only asked her to stop destroying the tree which is not really her property in the first place. Eventually it degrades to her mumbling some obscenities to me while walking away. About 10 minutes later the ladies sister (the actual resident who rents the place, the other lady was just visiting), coming over to apologize profusely. Looking back I wish I had gotten in touch with her landlord to get her the **** out of there, but went with the good neighbour path. Stupid me as the kids are still noisy and annoying as ever. Now they just like to scream a lot while playing in their front garden. A LOT!!!

Wow. There would be absolutely no way I could have gotten away with using that kind of language when I was a child. Nuh-uh! I can only imagine what that kid is going to grow up to be...

On on hand, letting your kids talk like that reeks of bad parenting. However, this is still a YDI for trying to parent some random kid.

He didn't try to parent some random kid really, apparently he didn't do anything to provoke the swearing, and all he said was for her too watch her language, otherwise he'd tell her parents. Seems fair to me. Shame the parent was also a little ass whole.

King_of_Kings 3

#37 yo Jimboom where you been man? im not fond of little kids either