By Wmsys32pr9 - 30/03/2009 05:06 - United States

Today, a 7-year-old girl came up to me and told me to go fuck myself. I told her to watch her language or else I'd tell her parents. Her mom happened to be nearby and actually heard the conversation; she came up to me and told me to go fuck myself as well. FML
I agree, your life sucks 633
You deserved it 78

Top comments

I hate little kids. Even worse, little kids with bad parents.

jaxx11 0

you should have said "if you just woulda ****** YOURself, we wouldn't have THIS (point at the kid) problem"


uhnonnuhmus 0

Dude, seriously, why would some little kid go up to you and say that? Usually, people have reasons for telling you what to do to yourself. Also, how do you know that she was a seven-year-old and not some bitter teenager with a pituitary gland disorder?

@52- I have dozens of pre-planned comebacks, that way I can tailor to the situation. Comebacks don't always have to roll of the tongue like you say. There is no book stating how to make a good comeback. In general: I had an experience like this once. I was at a summer day camp, and the night before this event, I had told a little boy to stop picking on my younger sister and her friend. Well, the next day this boy's cousin comes up to me and was like, "So I heard you were messing with my cousin." I told her the whole story, and then she proceeds to get even more upset with me and pushes me. Now, normally I won't hit a woman/girl, but the second you hit me it's game on. My friends knew I was about to lose it and held me back immediately. At this point, the girl's mother comes over and proceeds to yell at me for "hitting" her daughter. I didn't even touch her. In the end, I was kicked out of the camp on the last day because of lousy parenting.

Parents are way too lenient with their kids these days. Your kid can still grow up to love you even if you discipline them for things that are wrong (my parents would never have let me pull anything like that but we have a great relationship and I appreciate them not letting me grow up to be a little brat). Parents think the way to their kids heart is to treat them like a god and run around and do anything they want. That's why I'm in college and still dealing with immature babies that rely totally on their parents and think it's acceptable to be rude and mean. Blehhhhh. Just ******* discipline your kids, people! Or the next generation will be a hot mess.

The next generation already is a hot mess. Today's youth is ridiculous, as you can see from the OP. Today's teenagers are the worst...

altkat 3

Two thumbs up for awesome parenting.

Not everyone is cut out to be a parent. You just found a fine example.

Uhhhh, better get CPS in there to make sure her mom isn't making her take any enemas. X_X

Little cretin and big cretin - I hate mouth breathers...