Time out

By sadandmad - 20/01/2016 16:09 - United States - Bonita Springs

Today, my husband took a pill to make him last longer in bed. He did last longer. He went from 5 minutes to 7. FML
I agree, your life sucks 22 142
You deserved it 2 924

Same thing different taste

Top comments

And that's his fault? you both can figure out how to lengthen the time in the bedroom without lessening the pleasure.


A07 48

Did you congratulate him afterwards? Maybe go out to celebrate

Nah, I think she should throw a party, and have themed balloons.

Foreplay(as much as you want)+7 minutes should be enough, right?

The fact that he's trying to improve for you at all is amazing. Be grateful that he's willing to work on it - there are tons of guys who wouldn't

Maybe the pill did nothing. It was all in his mind, which is good.

Tie a popsicle stick to each side and proceed. That's a solid idea.

MonstreBelle 28

54- Maybe s/he is making a joke about OP supporting his dick after he finishes so he can continue having sex while he's soft. Or that splinters in dicks are a good way to stop orgasms. Who the **** knows...

I mean in theory both would work just one being a searing pain to the balls

Mathalamus 24

It's still something. Two minutes is a big deal.

Tell him to practice start an stop technic! Like can stop when he feel like cumng and again start when he feels the heat low.