They're all yours

By anonymous - 10/06/2009 20:05 - United States

Today, I was having a garage sale and my mother-in-law came by to see what I was selling. She decided to buy these ugly green wine glasses that were still unopened. It turns out that she gave those to my wife and I when we got married. FML
I agree, your life sucks 18 954
You deserved it 43 438

Same thing different taste

Top comments

lol she had to pay for them twice, fhl :P

If I had a nickel everytime something like this happen... I'd have 15 cents


justxmyxluck 0

Eww green? I wonder what color it looks when you put wine in it. Hahahh at least she paid you!

It's kinda dick move you made her pay for them. You could've given them to her even if you didn't know she'd given them to you in the first place

I smell a grammatical error! Oh well. If they were ugly then it was her fault. Boo-hoo.

U shouldve sold em on eBay. Jk but that must have been awkwarrrd! Hey atleast you were "recycling"

Raine_Sage 0

YDI for not knowing it's "to my wife and me".

mcme 0

It's not. "To my wife and I" is correct..

Actually, it is "to my wife and me". The easy way to tell is to take out the second person. "She gave them to I" or "She gave them to me"?

amazingkate 0

what goes around comes around. so it is with regifting, yard sales and wedding presents.

vindication 0

Hahaha! You tried to sound smart by saying "to my wife and I". It makes you sound dumb. Oh, and you deserved that. At least try to remember what people gave you as gifts.

pikL3bOi 0

Not an fml she bout it soooo rlly dnt put stuff like the on here.... LOL it's funny tho

Haha YDI sooo much. Makin her buy her own gift back.