The Times They Are a-Changin'

By Anonymous - 22/07/2021 16:01

Today, thanks to my ex-husband's misogyny, my son is now convinced girls are inherently weaker and that if he had to, he could beat any woman in a fight, even if she was a trained martial artist or a soldier, because, "Men are the stronger gender." I can kick both their asses, husband and son. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 250
You deserved it 263

Same thing different taste

Top comments

What do you expect when one incel raises another? I'm not sure how you can influence that other than waiting for your son to get his ass handed to him by a girl who is not you.

is son old enough to challenge to a "play fight?" perfect excuse to humble him a little bit


OP, are you sure about that? My mother was 100% certain she was stronger than I, until the day I finally stood up and demonstrated otherwise. If you're absolutely certain you can kick his ass … well, why don't you? The next time he says he could kick your ass, fight him. One of you will learn something, whether it's you or him.

Please protect your kid from that guy and please don't kick his ass, that wouldn't do any good.