The curse

By Ahh - 14/08/2020 23:02

Today, as usual, my period cramps got go bad that I can't eat or drink without taking a pain killer, and end up puking and passing out if I take a pain killer before I eat. Here's to 30 smooth years yet to come. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 345
You deserved it 120

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Lamitucus 4

Go see a doctor that is nowhere near normal

mrspinkham18 5

Are you on a birth control? It might help if you aren’t and depending on what you are on if you have it already, you may need to change. Definitely go see a dr tho


xxlk4xx 6

I definitely agree with others here saying talk to your dr! and if your dr won't help you then see about an ob who can help! my mom has had this issue her entire life and she ended up having an iron deficiency, she ended up having to have surgery to fix it. even my periods got pretty heavy after I had my third baby until I got back on birth control. after baby number 4 I just got the IUD put in and now I hardly notice it! hope this is helpful in some way.

Oh honey I'm sorry. Listen--get treatment NOW. Keep going to doctors until someone actually listens to you and helps. It's not going to get better with age and you could have a serious medical condition like endometriosis.

What's stopping you from just using birth control to better control your periods?

I had some of the same issues, there’s medicine you can take for it that doesn’t mess with your hormones and isn’t a birth control, literally saved me. Ask your OBGYN about tranexamic acid.

Pretty sure that isn't normal for period cramps. I'm not a doctor but I advise you to see one right away.