The creepy guy next door

By Anonymous - 05/06/2013 22:09 - United Kingdom - Worcester Park

Today, the crazy son of a bitch who lives next door to me once again got into a loud, rather one-sided argument with his cat. Twenty minutes later, he knocked on my door, asking if he could stay at my place for a couple of days. The look he gave me when I said no has me fearing for my life. FML
I agree, your life sucks 59 096
You deserved it 4 479

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Guess he got kicked out by his cat.

zingline89 18

Good call, nobody likes being the rebound relationship.


His cat sounds like a real jerk. He should get a dog.

Lennes 12

I HATED it when my cat kicked me out. But after a few weeks of therapy, we got through it. :) Tell him to stay strong op.

Sounds like you also are going to need a place to stay for a while...good luck to you sir.

RUN. People with cats are usually the psychos. *looks over to cat and smiles evilly*

If even his cat doesn't want him, I have some bad news for you, bro.

This reminds me of the TV show 'Wilfred'.

Pussy always wears the pants in any relationship

That's what restraining orders are for. I highly recommend that and a high powdered rifle just in case.

RainbowInput 8

Cats these days. Always so judgemental.