The cliché is true

By Anonymous - 30/09/2009 21:22 - Canada

Today, I went to a restaurant for lunch. I began to eat when I noticed a blond hair in my food. When that happened, I went up to the counter and began complaining about their hygiene. When the manager insisted no one that works there had long blond hair, I realized that it was my hair. FML
I agree, your life sucks 6 573
You deserved it 64 878

Same thing different taste

Top comments

well, its understandable. you ARE blonde...

So there's a redhead, a brunette, and a blonde....


Lol. I have a friend who is blonde, and whenever she does something stupid she goes "I just had a blonde moment" I die of laughter. Yah next time always make sure it's not yours. I was about to do the exact same thing till my mom noticed it was mine.

Plexico thinks having sex with kids is okay! Ask him for his real name, he's a sex offender! FML why are you allowing him on a site where kids commonly go?!

really you couldent have looked at the color of the servers hair big fail on your part

90% of the time, hair in your food is your own since most restaurants require kitchen staff to wear hearnets and hats and servers to tie hair back.

wowwwwwwwww OP u know that ur kind of a ******* idiot x) and ppl who spazz about dumb blonde jokes its just a joke doesnt really matter but its true alot of girls that go to the mall and only think about fashion and hair etc are blonde and i am NOT saying all blondes are like that ( i am a natural blonde myself)

69_jackson_69 0

Oh you are a blonde? I wouldn't have noticed by your incredible use of punctuation throughout the comment you made.

IOwnedYou 0

That would make the perfect joke.