Thanks, I hate this

By fat girl - This FML is from back in 2014 but it's good stuff - United States - North Pole

Today, my coworkers threw me a surprise baby shower. I'm not pregnant. FML
I agree, your life sucks 47 434
You deserved it 5 676

Top comments

StillUsesMyspace 22

Play along, but ask for all of the receipts so you can exchange those baby gifts for whatever you want!


Re gift time? I remember when a coworker thought I was. I was wearing a nice button up shirt untucked and she asked how I was as I was walking across the room. I said I was tired and she said that it'll be like that for nine months. I smiled at her and walked off not understanding what she meant. Later I reviewed the convo and felt embarrassed because I was still a teen, had never been with anyone, and not married.

Just read your user name OP and that made me sad. Hun we all come in different shapes and sizes and you have to learn to love yourself as you are. If your self esteem is so low that you feel the need to put your self down, seek medical advice and change your diet sweetheart. Life's too short to be unhappy.

Epikouros 31

She didn't put herself down, you and her coworkers did. OP just stated a fact. She might be perfectly happy with being fat, if others didn't bother her about it.

"Life's too short for so much sorrow." - that one lady from the first season of American Horror Story (can't remember her name)

No I think it was Nora? The original owner of the house who killed her husband and then herself after he created the Infantata (Thaddeus).

#21. Seek medical advice? That's a bit extreme.

Seeking medical advice can actually help you determine the best way for you to diet/work out/lose weight. Then they can determine if you have any pre-existing conditions (or what have you) that would make certain things ineffective or even dangerous.

Maccaroney 11

Life is too short to be unhappy? Life is literally the longest thing you will ever do.

Sorry to hear that, but no need to call yourself fat. You may have some fat, but fat doesn't control or describe you.

This reminds me of that picture online I've seen recently. "You aren't fat, you have fat. You also have fingernails, but you are not fingernails."

Why would anyone make that assumption? Even when it is obvious that someone is pregnant, I don't presume to ask about it until a public announcement is made. To go so far as to plan a shower without knowing is pretty inconsiderate. Even though they were inconsiderate, dont forget that they wanted to do something for you. That shows that you are important to them.

Shhhhh..... Don't tell them and take the gifts

As nice as the thought of doing that was, they should have waited for a confirmed pregnancy from you first...