Thanks, I hate it

By nakedyogagirl - 03/09/2010 00:16 - United Kingdom

Today, on my way to work, the obese old guy in the house opposite mine offered me tips on my yoga technique. Not only were his tips helpful, but I now know I should either close my curtains or put clothes on when I do yoga. FML
I agree, your life sucks 10 085
You deserved it 39 677

Same thing different taste

Top comments


naked yoga nice if he was smart he would have kept his mouth shut

Why would you do yoga naked with the curtains open?

terranada 3

you mean you didn't know that before? ****

Oh no! I never imagined anyone would see me doing naked yoga with my curtains open! How dare they invade my privacy like that!

nah, clothes are for sissies. use your yoga session as ur Xmas card while ur at it.

Staige40 0

you do yoga nude 0.o Were you live(jk) but yea close the curtains

why would you do yoga naked with the curtains open? O.o

akg98 13