Thanks, I hate it

By Anonymous - 25/05/2011 05:21 - Canada

Today, my boss called me into his office. Expecting a long overdue promotion, I hurried in. Instead, he told me he thought I would be perfect to take his son on a pity date, because he's a suicide risk due to his depression. FML
I agree, your life sucks 38 506
You deserved it 3 636

Same thing different taste

Top comments

kingsamuelcdt 0

maybe if his son is satisfied you could get a raise ;)

PSQ91 6

Look on the bright side OP, he trusts you. Next step will be promotion :)


long overdue promotion? why are you expecting this. A boss will promote if it's deserving. You have to earn it, not expect it. Work harder if you want this promotion.

Bloodywolf20 9

Maybe Just maybe she has been working her ass off to get ahead in life

well obviously not hard enough. Here's a tip for you and OP... Life isn't fair.

yes life isn't fair if she deserves a promotion and isn't getting one. You just contradicted yourself. You said she should work harder because hard work gets promotions and then said life isn't fair which is why she hasn't got the promotion. Derp

aww u should do it  (Naomi sings *) promooottiooooooon

blackfirekxk 0

i am really sorry, but hey you never know what the kid may be like, give him a chance. you may find you actually like him.

hpbrocster 0

drugs and pity sages for the depressed are a lot alike. just say no

ILoveTabz 0

you should go. do something nice. I know how hard it is being a suicide risk.

maybe its cause he thinks youre nice and pretty, and woul make his son happy(:

think of if this way: you just saved someones life :)

PapaCool_fml 0

It sucks. His son is most likely a bored son of ritch parents. And your boss is an ashole. Quit.

Hes telling you to work for your money. Except rather than working in a productive way he wants you to work in a reproductive way.