Thanks, I hate it

By Anonymous - 25/05/2011 05:21 - Canada

Today, my boss called me into his office. Expecting a long overdue promotion, I hurried in. Instead, he told me he thought I would be perfect to take his son on a pity date, because he's a suicide risk due to his depression. FML
I agree, your life sucks 38 506
You deserved it 3 636

Same thing different taste

Top comments

kingsamuelcdt 0

maybe if his son is satisfied you could get a raise ;)

PSQ91 6

Look on the bright side OP, he trusts you. Next step will be promotion :)


man just help him it couldn't hurt to try

Wow, you're one selfish bitch. This kid is PROBABLY GOING TO KILL HIMSELF SOON, and you can't go out of your way to go on a pity date with him that could lift him out of his depression? You never know, you might really like this kid, and you could go out with him, save him from depression, AND maybe even get a promotion from his dad that you so desperately need. Seriously.

mandypandypants 4

If you want that promotion I suggest you go out with his son and bang him.

idk how this an FML? sounds like your bosses son is the one having a hard time... take him on a date you might like him more then you thought and it might impress your boss... it would be good for him too and remember this could be your boss testing you

I have cronect depression and it is an illness... I use to black out even and when I'd wake up I'd have new cuts all over me... it's a sickness in your brain and I take medicine for it... and btw kind of like you hate being around depressed people most people hate people who are total assholes like you! think before you speak and maybe your dickheadedness is a new type of illness... maybe they will name it after you!!!

HunterAlpha1 8

1. bang the boss's kid 2. get pregnant with the boss's grandkid 3. blackmail his ass for tons of promotions 4. ??? 5. profit.

maybe if you do it you'll get brownie points