Thanks for the support

By Unluckiest Guy of the group - This FML is from back in 2011 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, my friends and I were having a conversation about which mythical creature would be the most unlikely to exist in the real world. They all collectively agreed that it would be a girl who is attracted to me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 39 367
You deserved it 5 094

Top comments

ILoveTabz 0

Maybe you two can have cute little creature babies together


yaknowiverse 0

Awww =( how could they say that? =(

bubo_fml 10

Women are not mythical creatures. After all, one had you! Baffling, yes, mythical, no...Oh, tell your friends that they're wankers & to stop spending so much time on xbox!

I want friends that could hold conversations like that...

It's funny because I heard the exact same conversation in my LA class today.

It's only banter mate, throw some back like "yeah the reason I don't have a girl is because being with all yours behind your backs takes up too much effort.". It's just harmless messing around we all do it just take it on the chin.

RunnerDudeTyler 0

I disliked hipsters before it was cool.

Gothmonkey7 3

Oh **** your life! Your life sucks SOOO much because you have friends with a sense of humor.. -.-