
By Anonymous - 31/05/2009 22:09 - United States

Today, I went to put my laptop on a desk when I got a text message. I was startled by the ringtone and dropped my laptop on the ground. It now has dent marks on the bottom. The text message was from an annoying friend, simply saying, "I'm eating a hot dog." FML
I agree, your life sucks 46 663
You deserved it 14 591

Same thing different taste

Top comments

SasuNaru_fml 0

Dude kick his ass! Then take his hot dog :D

How startled do you have to be to drop something? I can just picture some idiot walking along, throwing everything he's holding into the air because he was scared of a ring tone. lol.


dspadres 0

Your response? "I'm eating your Mom" Game, set and match my friend. FYI this isn't an FML. OHH WAAA! MY LAPTOP HAS DENTS!! My skull has dents so stfu.

#105 is brilliant. I want a hot dog. It's freaking dents man. I've done well worse to laptops.

On an unrelated note, I'm anxiously awaiting Eminem's FML from tonight. "Today, I was sitting in the audience at the MTV Movie Awards when all of a sudden Bruno's bare ass was in my face on live national television. FML."

I ******* hate people like that i have a 'friend' as well that texts me the most random shit that no one gives a **** about

erijgio89248 0

haha that would be one of my friends haha. random times too. that sucks.

omg! it has dents on the bottom! cry me a river

pinkpikachu 0

At least it wasn't a one-word text.

doof_fisch 2

I see no way that you can legitimately be mad at your friend. The content of the message doesn't matter. It's the timing of it -- and there's no way that your friend texted you, knowing that at the very moment you would receive it, you would be holding your laptop. So -- stick your chin up like our arrogant president, take a deep breath and live with it.

YDI, and... your life is not ****** if you loose a laptop.

FBIWarning 0