Sucks to suck

By ladeda - This FML is from back in 2009 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, my name was called during an assembly because I'd won some sort of prize. Everyone booed. FML
I agree, your life sucks 75 157
You deserved it 6 856

Top comments

Oh that can't be good for the self esteem.

If something like that happens, then just say f*ck off. There are so many things that are just better to be ignored. If the same thing happens next time, just go up there, get your award, and raise your right arm fisted, and raise your middle finger.


tyler1 0

well everyone clearly hates you, so your prolly somethin of a douchebag. BOOOOO!!!

It's either a joke, or I agree with #44. You're probably some sort of douche.

It's only four years, and then it's over. Then you can revel in the schadenfreude of seeing those assholes go nowhere and get pregnant on Facebook.

Aww I wish that could have happened to me. I would have walked up to the stage making my acceptance known screaming "Yeah" and "In Your Face". Then I would have yanked the mike from whoever was handing the award and said, "Boo all you want I got the award so all you losers and F*CK OFF!" Then I would have proceeded to leave out an emergency exit.

Dunne147 0

same thing happened to my friend, they didn't boo, they just...stop cheering. FYL

ohhhhshizzz 0

This happened to a girl at my school, she got boo-ed when we had our pep-rally to see who would be our class president. Everyone boo-ed her; I woo-ed:) But she still won president, albeit fixed.

eyehurts 0

oh well :( atleast u got a prize :)

That's when you go nuts and run up grab your award and punch the nearest person and run off