Sucks to suck

By ladeda - This FML is from back in 2009 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, my name was called during an assembly because I'd won some sort of prize. Everyone booed. FML
I agree, your life sucks 75 157
You deserved it 6 856

Top comments

Oh that can't be good for the self esteem.

If something like that happens, then just say f*ck off. There are so many things that are just better to be ignored. If the same thing happens next time, just go up there, get your award, and raise your right arm fisted, and raise your middle finger.


Well, maybe you're a douche and that's why they are booing you? People don't boo for no reason.

Either it was a really good prize and they are jealous, or you're the school douchebag. If it's the first one, don't take it personally. If it's the second, stop being a douchebag.

berii 0

Haters Boo... F Their L's ... Not your's.

marris 0

Well maybe the prize was for getting all your classmates to chant and the chant was "boo"

usually people deserve it when that happens. not always, but usually...

A2Z_fml 0

You are probably a loser, people boo at losers.

iiimoxieiii 0

**** everyone. You deserve that prize.

How's your self esteem going after that? lol