Stuck on Amber

By 1234567898765432 - 27/03/2009 16:47 - Canada

Today, I went to a Stoplight Party. Green shirt = single, yellow = hard to get, and red = taken. I showed up wearing a red shirt and saw my boyfriend in a green shirt. Thinking it was a mistake, I asked him jokingly why he wasn't wearing red. He looked at me oddly and said, "Oh, you didn't get my text?" FML
I agree, your life sucks 113 672
You deserved it 6 121

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Who breaks up over text!? Good thing he broke up with you, he has no class. Best regards, S


Totally agree with 26 that's the scenario where you get on some green and enjoy yourself.

WTH? If he couldn't even have the decency to break up with you on the phone (and really, it should be done in person), then you're better off without him, as hard as that might be to understand right now. Who breaks up with someone through a text message? That is so... unbelievably pathetic. It boggles my mind.

I don't get it either :/ That just means to me that the other never really loved or even cared for his/her ex...Even if you don't want to be with someone anymore for whatever reason you may have how hard is it to show them one last piece of dignity and respect??

#27, the solution is for her to REMOVE the shirt and calmly say (with a smile), "does this look green to you?"

kristen_lesli 0

haha! that's the greatest idea I've heard all night! xD

BamxBitch 0

I hate when guys break up through texts, what *******. Agree with #27.

Ass. If I can't get to them to do it face to face I at least call. Stoplight party? What a fun concept... I may have to try that.

Rox1243 0
demonpossessed 0

HE ******* TEXT MESSAGE BROKE UP?! I don't even know the asshole but that pisses me off. You have the understood right to do something to him for that.

DAMN. i would've made his green shirt a little prettier by pouring something on it.

Note the lack of information regarding an actual breakup. The text really could have just been "hey you know what would be fun? if we both wore green to see who tries to hit on us!"

theoldGP 0

wow he broke up with you over a text. it really sucks that you had to find out through a party. OUCH. FYL indeed. =[ sorry i hope you find someone better.