
By Anonymous - 07/06/2009 13:50 - South Africa

Today, I went to a huge party. My ex boyfriend was there who I still have feelings for, so I decided to make him jealous by making out with the really drunk guy next to me. While we were making out, he threw up in my mouth and all over me. Everybody found it hysterical including my ex. FML
I agree, your life sucks 17 761
You deserved it 95 415

Same thing different taste

Top comments

YDI and its stupid, if you have feelings for him, dont you think making out with someone else would completely blow him off??? why dont you.. oh i dont know.. TALK to him?

Yes because the best solution to an ex being around is to make out with someone you've never seen before. Clearly your deduction is faultless.


You have feelings for him still, so you make him jealous by being a **** and making out with some drunk. You're a dumb bitch who will never be happy. YDI

#6 & #10 ; completely agree. Karma ain't something to screw with.

Making out the drunken retard next to you won't make your boyfriend jealous.

slutsstud 0

If I was your ex, I would've come and slapped you right there and then.

_itsmeeex1bitchz 0

how'd that after-taste taste? hm? YDI

You just started making out with a random drunk guy next to you? You should have stripped naked and asked that all of the guys EXCEPT for your ex run a train on you. That'd surely make him jealous. YDI for only being an amateur *****.

DarkMirror 0

Sounds to me like your ex dodged a bullet.

proud_liberal 0

Learn to accept things. That is life.

ashbaby010 0

i'm sure he's extremely jealous of you after that. i mean, who doesn't want some wasted loser puking in their mouth?