Stolen valor

By Anonymous - 18/09/2009 11:08 - Iraq

Today, I was at work, finishing a presentation for my boss. Five minutes after I presented it to him, his boss walked in and asked for the same presentation I had just given. My boss presented it. His boss then turned to me and asked me, "What use are you around here?" FML
I agree, your life sucks 43 730
You deserved it 2 876

Same thing different taste

Top comments

tyhillman 0

Either take more initiative and take your presentation to the highest level or maybe change companies. It sounds like you're in a dead-end job.

noshitsherlock 0

YOU DESERVE IT for not speaking up. How hard is it to say, "Actually, I did it." If you're passive and just stand there, YOU DESERVE IT!


Wow. I can't believe he said that to you. Hopefully, you can change jobs or something to get away from such jerks.

You really want to win him over? Say, "I'm the personal bitch. I do blumpkins for bonuses." Edit: Man, 'bonuses' is SO not a word... >__>

boni Aren't you glad I'm a Latin geek? JCL Rules!

I knew that too, but thanks, Mr. Geek. I tried to put that, and it red underlined. Yet it didn't underline "bonuses", which is bogus shit. I'd rather put the wrong word than see a red line. Oh, but don't let me stop you from telling me some more Latin stuff. "Talk nerdy to me." ;D

Edit to that^ Damn it, plexico, which is it? Everyone is telling me it's "bonuses", including the computer. Am I just weird for refusing to accept that as a word?

Weird, I just got off that site before reading your comment. I also went to Wiktionary, which said "boni" is right as the plural of "bonus", however "bona" is the gender-neutral plural version. So, either is right. **** YOU, red line. My mom laughed at me for using "boni"... =(

You learned something new today, PLUS you made your mama laugh :O BONUS

I win! Woooohoooo! =) I also got offered the pleasure of teabagging, among other things. Today is good. Fridays always are, though.

While I have you here, since you live in my boyfriend's bed, do you get bed sores?

Um, what? >_> I didn't get any of that... My answer think.

Damn, now I must explain and thus ruin the already quite unfunny joke about your profile's home country :( Look what you did!!

"Bonuses" is the plural if you consider "bonus" to be an English word, but I still think of it as Latin. It's "radii", not "radiuses," right? Don't get all caught up in the idea that Latin assigns gender to inanimate objects more logically than any other Romance language. The plural of "bonus" is "boni", the plural of the unused "bonum" is the unused "bona." Don't let them throw you off because of "bona fide." "Fides" is a fifth declension noun and it's being used in the ablative case and in the singular. People can be a bunch of ani.

I did haha, You say your country is my boyfriends bed, you make me seem like a dofus here! Whats the plural of dofus btw? Dofuses?

plexico, I freakin' heart you for all that. I just now saw your older comment. Thank you for explaining it. :) I laughed pretty hard at the "boner" thing and "ani". Latin + plexico = HAWT. And THIS is why you're the only baby-daddy for our master race.

It's "doofus", and the plural is "doofi". I don't have to be right, I just have to be satisfied with my answer. I'm STILL confused, man. My country is your boyfriend's bed? Erm...I give up on understanding. Ohhh, wait... Does it say that on my profile or something? I'm pretty sure it just says USA. No, I don't get bedsores. Lol.

Would you like some ; )... (Finally you got it :D, Yes, it was all a clever plot to get to joke nr 2 :P) I guess we are all doofi here :(

I'm one of the ani, personally. Yes, I'd like bedsores. My sex life is...well, non-existent. That probably is the reason for all the sexual comments. What profile said "in your boyfriend's bed"???? Not this one... I'm STILL confused. FML.

You are right, but unless you had a copy out there with the same profile picture € Im seeing things lol,

Anyways, im glad my sex-dipped comment got positive results, regardless of optical illutions/copycats that steals pictures.... You are welcome to lie motionless/motionmorethanless in my bed anyday ; )

Hahaha. Is it comfy? (Yes, I have had three impostors on this site with my pic and a ****** up version of my name like Intoxicuunt)

Comfy? Its cloud nine! Or S club 7, I get confused... Never had any complaints ;) About the bed :( Edit* I also want imposters-posters :( *jealous*

So did I. That word makes me giggle uncontrollably and I don't know why

Good! Then you can mail it to me. :] The proper spelling is "impostors". Sorry. You don't get any. So far, I think it's just been me, plexico, and DameGreyWulf.

If you pay for shipping. English is hard for a tard with a norwegian library card : (

If you pay for shipping! And Imposter Oak disagree!

juneping 0

why didn't you just say it's you who did the presentation??

In the future, put your name and job title at the top, so that if this ever happens again... I can't be bothered to finish this sentence.

Wow... you really like the word "present".

Thats when you look at him and say well thats actually my presentation. You see I have the copys on my computer.

I didn't know people in Iraq used FMyLife. Just goes to show that your life can suck ass no matter where you live.

Klabauterpete 0

You could have said something like "At night I kill Americans". That might have impressed him. #43 "Today, I still live in Iraq. FML"

fml1358 0

You need to stand up for yourself and your boss is a dick