
By Andy - 18/11/2008 21:13 - United Kingdom

Today, I was having a smoke out on the balcony of my apartment. When I was walking back into the house, I walked straight into the large glass sliding door, loudly whacking it with my forehead, subsequently waking up my 2 other flatmates at 2.30am. FML
I agree, your life sucks 11 549
You deserved it 26 113

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Ouch. If it makes you feel any better I walked outside once when the sliding screen door was closed. It was night time and I didn't see it. I ended up taking it with me. :x Glass doors are still more painful.

it's because his name is icemage. dumber ****. also if this person had been 'getting some fresh air' there would be so many less ydi's, as if this couldn't happen to a non smoker. stupid


shaynaann 2

Haha. It was about 3 in the mornin and I was out smokin my medical.. And my uncle let the dogs out the sliding glass door.. I realized this and he locked me out.. In -15 degree snow! For 7 hours with just a jacket. I deserved it

I'm guess you weren't smoking a cigarette...

If it makes you feel better I did that in New York in front of many people

Mal2003 17

I think you could've waited until morning, but what do I know about smoking?