Spoiled the mood

By DFR - 09/06/2010 13:05 - United States

Today, my boyfriend proposed to me in a really really romantic way. After we called our parents to tell them the news, he turned to me and said, "Hey, I hope you know this doesn't mean you can start getting lazy with your blowjobs." FML
I agree, your life sucks 41 889
You deserved it 23 831

Same thing different taste

Top comments

If he said it in a "haha, jk" kind of way, then you need to chill out. I get the impression that it was meant to be funny, not serious. My boyfriend would probably say something like this, and I'd just sweetly remind him that if angered, I could easily chomp down on him during said ********, lol. It's all in fun.


hey hes right you want him to keep puttin that spit shine on your pussy...you better not get lazy lol

I don't see the fml here. men need pleasure too. lol

angels_siren 0

Then he better not get lazy in the sack either. Make sure its clear you get your orgasms too.

psh dont be such a drama queen, might be a joke or funny comment

noo come on he's just playin around. Don't be so sensitive.

wilasmilexD 0

xDDD Lolz well at least your engaged to him.

ksquidette 2

That could have been handled better :/