Sounds reasonable

By so romantic - This FML is from back in 2011 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, my boyfriend gave me a promise ring. It was so sweet and romantic, until he said, "I want to marry you one day… but I want to date some other girls first." FML
I agree, your life sucks 44 497
You deserved it 3 613

Top comments

Ah. So actually, he dumped you. He will just come back if all the relationships with the other girls fail. Ah. You're not going back to him, right?


Uh, so he thought that giving you a ring would make up for that? Wow... Your boyfriend is very intelligence. Please tell me you have enough respect for yourself and broke up with the guy...

Well even though he dumped you - at least you got a ring!

No, divorce rates are so high because every silly teenage girl is marrying their "true love" after dating them for no longer then a few months. I find it funny that these girls who have been married for a few years are telling the rest of us how it is. The first few years are easy, call me in twenty and we'll see if its still the same way it was. A commitment isn't that difficult when you find something you want to commit to, but finding something you want to commit to takes time. I have a girlfriend I love very much and we've been together for over a year. Am I going to marry her? No, because it is my first serious relationship, and I can't commit without knowing what else is out there. If I had been in a few more serious previous relationships, it might have been be a different story. It's human nature to be curious. Harsh, but true. Get over it. Unlike half of the commenters on this FML, my girlfriends not crazy and feels the same way as me. In the mean time, we love eachother greatly.

pclaibourne 0

Ya my bitch ex gf tried that on me to. Stupidest crap ever.

bvgreenday 7

What an ass. I would dump him, you can so do much better than that.

DancinChikk 0

Wow! Wut a jerk! In my opinion he iz a bit of a player....maybe a little bit.