Sounds reasonable

By so romantic - This FML is from back in 2011 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, my boyfriend gave me a promise ring. It was so sweet and romantic, until he said, "I want to marry you one day… but I want to date some other girls first." FML
I agree, your life sucks 44 497
You deserved it 3 613

Top comments

Ah. So actually, he dumped you. He will just come back if all the relationships with the other girls fail. Ah. You're not going back to him, right?


Everyone should play the feild and sow their wild oats before settling down. Its unfair that you guys are being so harsh to this guy when he's just suggesting what's socially healthy for all young adults. He was up front about what he wants and if she doesn't want that then she can choose something else. It doesn't make him a jerk. He's just not ready yet and being self aware in a relationship is always helpful.

Then what's the point of being in a "serious" relationship if there is no commitment?

22cute 17

#40 you're really too young to know what it means. And 3 years of marriage is not nearly long enough to know if it will work. I'm glad you found what makes you happy & hope your marriage is long and happy. Still it would be wise to talk to elders with 30+ year marriages & stay open to learning something. BTW I am also a woman & not all women would be hurt by what the bf said. Committment is important to a marriage. Self knowledge and self respect is more important to the dating process.

Ashrob03 0

53 & 32 U are both assuming that this young man has reached a maturity most men never achieve! More than likely it's the same ole 'I wanna have my cake and eat it too.' I applaud your giving this guy the benefit of the doubt, but come on, really you don't believe what you've written or are you still that naive??

Lizzy500 16

#53-BS. You CAN know that early on whether or not 'it will last'. I got engaged at 16 (told my mom it was a promise ring, it wasn't) married at 19 and I've now been married 18 years. Neither one of us was ever with anyone else, and it's better IMO that we weren't, because I think cheating would be a much bigger deal since neither one of us "played the field". Also we aren't religious, we don't attend church, we never went through premarital counseling, it just happened to work out that way. It probably helps we met through an organization whose mission is teaching young people leadership and responsibility, so we were already on the same page about a lot of things. Including the notion that sex is a way of expressing your love for another person, and not just something fun to do on a Saturday night. If all you're after is pleasure, rent a **** and rub one out. There's enough accidental unwanted babies out there.

I mean that's sweet that he will want to marry you later right? lol

skyeyez9 24

Dump him but keep the ring if it is pretty! Just tell others your mom bought it for you on your birthday cause you liked it.

If he really wanted to marry you, he wouldn't want to date other girls. flip the middle finger, let the index finger follow-DUECES. You deserve better. Be strong and move on.