Someone thinks highly of themself

By ballerphilip23 - 15/05/2009 17:11 - Austria

Today, I was standing on the packed bus home when I had a speck of dust in my lenses. As I couldn't rub it out, I tried blinking it out for the next five minutes. Then the hot girl opposite me screamed, "Stop winking at me, don't even think about it you ugly fuck!" FML
I agree, your life sucks 39 966
You deserved it 2 973

Same thing different taste

Top comments

someone's a self-centered, hard-to-believe-she-can-still-walk, skanky bitch...sorry something similar happened to me


For those situations, I find taking the high road in a slightly bitchy way to be the most satisfying. "Oh sorry, I didn't see you there because of the dirt I was trying to blink out of my lens. Pleasure to meet you too though. And why were you looking at me?" To flip out that much though.. maybe she was having a bad day. Or maybe she's a conceited little drama queen. Who knows?

lol dont worry, I never saw the girl again - thank god ^^

Kalofinator 0

You're totally not even close to ugly... sorry you had to run into such a bitch. She shouldn't have said something like that, it totally made her look bad anyway.

"don't flatter yourself hon... even as nasty skanks go, you're nothing special... I have some dirt in my eye". :-)

I would have replied, "Actually my contact lense is ******, you cheap shank."

MiaFleur 0

I hope she sees this and feels really bad.

I seem to get crap in my eyes quite often, and girls have thought I was winking a few times. Once an old lady winked back, it was kinda weird.

What was she doing watching you "wink" at her for five minutes? Some people should be shot.

Did you tell the dumb bitch not to flatter herself?

Dude you definately should have said something back like "Don't flatter yourself" because she sounds like a ******' prick.