Some things haven't changed

By Jonathan - This FML is from back in 2011 but it's good stuff - Denmark

Today, my mom banned me from watching The Simpsons and Family Guy because apparently, they're part of "the Devil's plan to corrupt God's children." FML
I agree, your life sucks 48 502
You deserved it 10 166

Top comments

seraphxchild 3

Just show her the Jesus episode of Family guy, she'll give in.

That's like saying you can't drink anything but holy-water FYL


renea890812 0

have her read "the gospel according to the simpsons" it's a legit Christian review of the simpsons and condones most of it... pretty much the simpsons is the only show that regularly poses any religious anything without just knocking it

GoPro2Oh 0

Finally somebody gets it. Hey idiots of the world, do some research about the illuminati and you will see whats comming in the next few years with the world so shut your yaps until you do some danm research lazy people. You americans cant get any more stupid. Damn! That mom should be congradulated. You people just dont get it. I didnt just wake up one day and decide to say this... I know it.

congradulated? That alone proves that you shouldn't be calling anyone stupid. If people need more proof they can just look at your total lack of proper punctuation.

I don't believe that illuminati bullshit. I have looked into it a little, and all that I have seen are a bunch of conspiracy theories without any solid evidence. If you look deep enough, you can make up a illuminati story about just about everybody.

GoPro2Oh 0

well I have over 400 hrs in these world studies and if you take the time to look into it, you will find a lot of these "theories" to be true.

GoPro2Oh 0

oh ya, my bad I misspelled congratulated. And key word, you studied illuminati "a little". Don't talk unless you have actually looked into, it a lot, not just reading a book or watching a video.

Well, I'm not going say that I don't believe some sort of illuminati exists. But there are some people out there that think that they control pretty much all mainstream media, and even believe that President Bush was part of it too. That stuff right there is bull. I'm not gonna do a ton of research on something that I'm not really interested in. Especially since I personally think all those videos and shit are made for gullable and paranoid kids.

dudeitsdanny 9

You sound like this homeless meth addict I used to know. He was brilliant.. Then he became a stripper in West Hollywood, got into meth, and started ranting about the Illuminati. His facebook was simply hilarious. He used to walk around with his laptop in a backpack and randomly stop at places with wifi to post shit like this.. Or scream it at people. I'll always remember the times he threatened to kill us all, if we didn't let him live with us, because he had full control of the country's police and gangs.. Or when he threatened to shut the country's computers down if we didn't lend him our wifi.. He claimed he was the second coming of Jesus, and the reincarnation of Tupac.. Really just a white kid who spoke ghetto after he got on meth. From successful, educated martial artist, model, and businessman to crazy, meth-addicted, paranoid bum. I think he died, though. Not too sure. And he was only 23 in November when I last heard of him. My point? Everytine I read someone seriously warn people of the Illuminati, it's someone like him: crazy.

GoPro2Oh 0

well it's a good thing I'm not a kid. I don't care what you do and I'm not saying believe it all because you're right, a lot of it is bull, but there still is a good amount of fu**** up stuff out there and no one will ever know what will happen until it happens.

The illuminati is ******* stupid. <- All that needs to be said.

I don't necessarily believe that, but I always try to keep an open mind. Where are some good places to find more information? I need to be more educated on the topic before I can decide on this

Omg I am not allowed to watch those either and King of the Hill.

What's so inappropriate about King of the Hill? I ask because I am genuinely curious. I mean King of the Hill has some issues but it's not even on the same level as Family Guy or The Simpsons. Hank is constantly trying to be a perfectly upstanding citizen.

Oh, no... You don't get to watch King of the Hill... Consider yourself lucky.

GoPro2Oh 0

you should be happy your mom cares so much for you.


That's crazy. Jesus has been on more Family Guy episodes than any other show.

GoPro2Oh 0
JesseOhNine 0

how dare you call it garbage it is quality programming

KaitiMarie 0

haha. sounds like something my parents would do. I'm 19 && yet they expect me to still follow their viewing restrictions.