Social parasites

By wasp infestation - 03/10/2016 04:54 - United States - Aurora

Today, the owner of the house I'm renting said he doesn't want to pay $4000 to fumigate the home, and that he'll take care of the issue himself. I have killed 30 angry wasps in the last hour. There are thousands living in the walls, but I think their favorite place is my bathroom and my bed. FML
I agree, your life sucks 14 525
You deserved it 1 022

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Maybe sit down with all the wasps and find the source of their anger, maybe their parents weren't there for them, maybe they were bullied in wasp school, a conversation is all you need so nobody else has to get hurt.

Does your contract cover pest control, or is there a state requirement for landlords to provide it for certain murderous pests? If so you might have a case to bring it up or allow you to break your lease and move somewhere else.


Only upside is our area is starting to get pretty cold at night and they will die off soon. Sorry about your situation.

Depending on the type, they may simply go into hibernation mode.

The house next to mine- sits empty for that very reason, the nest is so big, the siding is bulging, and I'm allergic to the damn things

what the ****, I would be in a gas mask so fast.

Call a lawyer and figure out your options!

Talis99 26

Reread your contract to see what kind of options you might have signed away. Ask to leave. Advise you'll go to the media. Or a lawyer if you can afford it.

You are definitely not the reincarnated queen from Jupiter Ascending....

I liked your comment because that was a good movie

Shay_Shay97 23

That's probably illegal, or at the very least breaches the lease. I mean, that's just not safe. And if you have somebody over that's allergic to bee stings? Forget about it, that would a lawsuit waiting to happen. You have to bring this up with somebody, OP. Damn, now I feel like I just went in a rant.

JillianJuneBug 39

Yikes! I think I'd rather sleep on a bench than in a house surrounded by thousands of those things. Even if they are in the walls, that just really gets under my skin

I would refuse to pay rent until he gets the issue resolved, but talk with a lawyer first about it. That is a dangerous situation, rendering your home uninhabitable.

unwantedforlife 14

It doesn't matter what is stated in the lease, that is a dangerous situation and is making your house uninhabitable. Contact a lawyer immediately to get yourself out of this mess and the landlord to fix it