
By Small_Fry_Hero - 21/10/2009 06:39 - United States

Today, I was watching a movie with my sister, my roommate, and my girlfriend. Halfway through the movie, my girlfriend left the room and texted me that she was breaking up with me. She then came back in the room, sat on my bed, and enjoyed the rest of the movie with us. FML
I agree, your life sucks 49 125
You deserved it 3 553

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Sounds like a redneck joke to me... "You might be a redneck if you have to buy a gift for your roommate, your sister, and your current girlfriend and you only have to buy one gift."


teanque 0

i agree w/#24....she was texting someone else...and in that case u shoulda STILL kicked her out

damn. They edited the original FML. Now my jokes and rants up above won't make a lick of sense (as if they did, anyway).

It's obvious to me that the ex-gf is now the roommates gf. Duhhhhh.

Whether it was you or someone else, clearly there is some BS going on. Kick her the *uck out, and grow some balls. You could have also texted her back asking her if she was serious...there is some real clarification needed here.

jazzmancarron 11

bummer dude, kick that bitch off your bed, if shes breaking up with you, then she doesnt need to be there, and if your roomate stole her like some others have said, beat him to a bloody pulp as an added bonus.

So the original did not say girlfriend but she and did not say the rest of the movie but just rest. It's probably fail from the start. But at least she was considerate enough to act like nothing changed to not cause a scene. Because otherwise you know you'd break down and bawl like a sissy.

Trebie 6

Hahaha, you should have said that! That would have at the very least been funny as hell!

Trebie 6

Seriously, as almost everyone has said, if she did that, you should have called her out on it! And then showed her the door!

Mx_Rider 6

number 35 i agree with u how the hell have we come to the time where we think breaking up over text is the right way to do things. your ex gf is a pussy ass bitch she cant face prob so she does them over text pfffft fhl move on

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