Skincare routing

By Tomatoe Face - 22/04/2014 05:31 - United States - Antioch

Today, I used a facial mask for super sensitive skin, recommended by several friends with similar skin issues. Apparently, when the warning says, "May cause some slight redness for thirty minutes", it really means, "Your face will have hives and swell to twice its normal size for several hours." FML
I agree, your life sucks 42 457
You deserved it 4 950

Same thing different taste

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I used to use skin creams for acne and sensitive skin. I found it made my face worse.

Some people with sensitive skin can find those "natural" ingredients worse than the chemicals that are supposed to be bad. I do sometimes. But I also know if you have sensitive skin and are trying a new product, you ALWAYS DO A PATCH TEST. OP learn from this. I test near my elbow, then on a small section of face if unsure. Slathering it on your face is asking for trouble!


I feel your pain girl. I found what's best for my skin is to leave it alone. Literally use no products other than bioderma and water and my skin completely cleared up in a week. Maybe your skin will do the same and clear up? Fingers crossed!

that ready stinks. that happened to me with some eye shadow a few Christmas back. my eye lids swelled up sooooo bad. I'm sorry that happened to ya!

This is why you spot test op. YDI because you knew you had sensitive skin and regardless of your skin's similarity to your friends you should know everyone is unique and could react differently.

I've had it happen. It's absolutely awful!

Uhm maybe you should see a doctor? Just a suggestion.

I've ditched facials and resort to saunas. I have photosensitivity (allergic to sun) and most sunblocks I've tried gave me allergic reactions.