
By Anonymous - 23/06/2010 23:06 - United States

Today, it was the girl of my dreams' birthday. She already knows I am totally in love with her. So for her birthday I decided to buy her a $60 dollar bottle of rum for her and her friends to have fun with. She picked it up from my house with her new boyfriend waiting in the car. FML
I agree, your life sucks 27 434
You deserved it 39 522

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Crash the party and get that shit baaaack, brosky. The rum, I mean, not the girl.

samanthadude 0

If she isn't interested there isn't much you can do. The faster you move on, the faster you'll find a girl who loves you just as much as you love her. :]


BrownSugar_fml 5

Why are you buying her alcohol if you won't be around once she's drunk?! Geeebus

sk8r_boiii 0

duuuuuuddde yyyy. did u do that ,, girls will screw u like that , the idea is ****** , but trust me they will

ydi because you just let her take it. you need to stop being a pussy and find a new girl, or you will be friend zoned forever.

Eniiaffection 0

Lol make sure she doesn't have a boyfriend next time maybe? (: just a suggestion OP

lickmyjock 0

So true. And impressing your "love" with a bottle of rum? lol wow... This man got played and it's hilarious. My ex once gave me a jug of rum. What did I do with it? I drank it and hit on her hot sister.

BoredInPE 0

dude. were totally in the same shoes.