Sick sex, dude

By Anonymous - 18/01/2011 02:13 - United States

Today, I had sex with my boyfriend. Right after, he left the room and went to the bathroom to throw up. FML
I agree, your life sucks 35 482
You deserved it 5 224

Same thing different taste

Top comments

At least he didn't throw up inside of you

I'm sure he didn't throw up in disgust.


"I could tell by the look on his face that he was about to lose it, and not in the way that I was. He was getting green, and I knew that his esophagus was packed full of bile and this afternoon's spicy enchiladas. I knew he wanted to keep going, and the risk reliving that late lunch's spicy flavor with the nauseating taste and smell of vomit was worth it if it meant I could climax for the first time in three months. I told that bastard to not eat so much, but I love him for the torment he is going through to get me to where I need to be. Next time I'll remember to pack the dramamine. You never know when you'll be out in six foot swells. Wait, what was I doing? Oh, right. Come on darling, just a little longer."

Hahaha, this FML made me lul. He probz just got motion sickness from moving back and forth.

Maybe he's sick! Everyone around here has been throwing up! it's going around! Probably coincidence & has nothing to do with you!! Wait & see what happens, people are so sensitive these days! The same thing happened to me years ago except, I threw up on the bed! My hubby was understanding & it happened that I had the stomach flu which he promptly caught from me! PS Why do some people have to be so mean to others, I don't get it! All this talk about gay & smelly body parts, how would u feel if it were you?

he tried to tell you he doesn't like anal

nybsucubos 5

That's a confidence booster. He possibly didn't like the smell of fish, or you just might have turned him gay. FYL