Sick sex, dude

By Anonymous - 18/01/2011 02:13 - United States

Today, I had sex with my boyfriend. Right after, he left the room and went to the bathroom to throw up. FML
I agree, your life sucks 35 482
You deserved it 5 224

Same thing different taste

Top comments

At least he didn't throw up inside of you

I'm sure he didn't throw up in disgust.


jckbco 0

I did that after my first time... the nerves from the entire evening finally caught up with me. Not your fault at all -- I'm sure he's crazy about you!

XxphantomxX 0

This is a real thing. It's called post orgasmic illness syndrome (POIS). It occurs when a man has an allergic reaction (typically violent) to his own semen. Go ahead--google it.

That blows, but maybe he was drunk or something else was wrong, how will you ever know unless you talk to him instead of just posting on here.

Maybe you smell like old fish??? hmmm???

They say not to eat before wild rides for a reason. He deserves it.

davek 36

Sounds like you've got yourself a botty-bandit.

IneffableLullaby 13

Did you shower sometime shortly before the intercourse? If not, I'm going to say you deserve it, OP.