Sick move, bro

By jlw1998 - 25/04/2016 04:36 - United States - Dallas

Today, I bought my girlfriend a cat. I now have a cat and no girlfriend. FML
I agree, your life sucks 18 492
You deserved it 4 506

Same thing different taste

Top comments

This FML is the kind that requires a follow up to be fully understood. Did your girlfriend break up with you because of the cat?? Did the cat kill her!? What happened??

Maybe it's best to just buy flowers next time.


RedWolfy 7

I want a standard poodle puppy!!!!!! My boyfriend said not yet

look at the bright side bro. you lost your girl but you still have a little kitty to play with when your home alone

You should never buy a pet for someone as a surprise. A cat or dog is and should be a commitment for the life of the animal. How can you think surprising someone with a lifetime commitment is acceptable?

ItsAnanya 25

This is just the first step, OP. Slowly and steadily the cat is going to take over everything in your life, resulting in your complete and utter submission to the cat lords. Removing the girlfriend from your life is simply the beginning.

cats are really good companions too, she probably was a dog person

Queen_of_Night 20
InsanityVerge 8

awe poor unloved kitty. fml for the kitty.

I agree with #4, this needs a follow up so badly! I'm so confused!!

sempisaviour 17

You should have talked about it with her first before you decided to get a cat. I understand if it's a surprise, but maybe she's allergic, or just hates cats. It's not like you can just take it back and then ask her to come back, right?