Shit song

By Lord_Nick - This FML is from back in 2016 but it's good stuff - Canada - Québec

Today, while I was taking a shit, a guy went into the next stall and narrated what he was doing in song. I'm still traumatized by his lyrics. FML
I agree, your life sucks 22 472
You deserved it 1 790

Top comments

if this is one of the most traumatic experiences you've had, count your blessings.

If it was narrated by Morgan freeman then it's fine. If not, that's creep


hoosiergirl94 31
itzALiza 7

Omg I'm sorry, but this was funny, creepy but funny

you should have slid your foot too his side of the stall too make things really akward xD

"Pulling down my pants, butt on the seat, ohh yeaaah position it firmly! Tapping my left foot, pressure building, compiling, squeeze squeeze squeeze. Squishing up my sphincter, pulling at the poo, ohh yeah it's going through my colon My colon, my colon. Not your's, oh no not your's. The head is out, the turtle neck sweater. It's got shy, it's hidden now. Squeezing hard, pushing out the poo. Pushing out the faeces, pummeling it through the tube, The main body is out, have we reached the point of not return? Aaaand one last push, victory is mine! It hits the water with a resounding clang, Crouch up to miss the splashback. Breathing a sigh of relief the journey is over. Hauling out the toilet paper, stripping off the pieces, Aaand into the butt crack. Wipe, wipe, wipe Scrunch, scrunch, scrunch. Into the loo you dive."

I assume he was just ******** also? could have been worse, he could have described what he was beating off to.

serslybro 20

I would pay to hear that song! Lol But seriously that's nasty sorry you had to deal with that op