Shit song

By Lord_Nick - This FML is from back in 2016 but it's good stuff - Canada - Québec

Today, while I was taking a shit, a guy went into the next stall and narrated what he was doing in song. I'm still traumatized by his lyrics. FML
I agree, your life sucks 22 472
You deserved it 1 790

Top comments

if this is one of the most traumatic experiences you've had, count your blessings.

If it was narrated by Morgan freeman then it's fine. If not, that's creep


I'm sure he would have enjoyed some harmonizing.

Or a Simon and Garfunkel-style duet would work too.

It puts the lotion on it's skin and it tugs it's hose again!

aeryn97 17

Haha. that's awesome but I bet it made pooping while he was there impossible lmao

If he was just pooping then that's a shitty situation. If he was doing other things.. Good luck forgetting that

Conceal don't feel don't let them hear but they heard so let it flow leeeet it flow the germs never bothered me anyway

Somehow, I keep misreading this as "while I was talking shit", instantly cueing my mental jukebox to play Hollaback Girl...

I did that in the shower before in a gym