Sexy talk

By sigh - 30/08/2009 23:35 - United Kingdom

Today, my boyfriend and I were getting in the mood. I got on top of him, leaned down to kiss him, and he began to laugh. Puzzled, I asked him why. He told me that when I'm naked and on top of him, I reminded him of a cow, with "udders." Offended, I went to get off him. "No no!" he protested, "a SEXY cow." FML
I agree, your life sucks 39 781
You deserved it 5 434

Same thing different taste

Top comments

The correct reaction should have been "Offended, I got off, looked at his penis and laughed. When he asked why I told him it reminded me of an inchworm, a SEXY inchworm".

startafire 0

Guess he wasn't planning on continuing to get laid.


moonlight_daze 8

**** his life.. although he deserved it.

@ #15: thequickredofox- ROFL, that was one HELL of a comment ^^ & for the love of God, some of the OP's need to lighten up and learn to take a JOKE!

wazdog 4

YDI for posting another story about an oversensitive gf complaining about her insensitive (or funny depending on POV) bf.

HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH. Nothing like, "Damn, you're one freaking sexy cow!" That made my day! =]

uh i think you need to get a sense of humour. there was really nothing offensive about what he said. it was just a funny comment. if you cant even laugh along with your bf, what are you doing with him?

no no no, some guys should realize that girls feel really exposed when they're naked and therefore you mustn't say crap like that...although the "noo noo..a SEXY cow"-part made me laugh...BUT STILL...naked girl=mind your lips!

I agree with this. Some girls feel very exposed .. exspecially if they are self concious . Saying something or comparing your gf to a cow .. in any way .. is normally taken offensive . Mind Your Mouth Boys .

I've actually thought this many times but always kept my mouth shut.

bosshaug 0

Haha thats great I bet you still got off huh? You can get on me. I don't think you look like a cow

And when he eats you out does he say you look like a clam, a SEXY, bearded clam?