Security breach

By BryanTazed - 22/08/2015 12:21 - United States - Ashland

Today, I woke up early for work. Had my coffee, finished up a report and headed out of my house. Not only was the office closed today, but the silent alarm was on, which is triggered by a door opening even if you use a key. I was startled by the cops searching the building, ran, and got tased. FML
I agree, your life sucks 22 805
You deserved it 6 724

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Why did you run? It seems like you belonged in that place. could have just explained it..

itwasntme14 19

Your story has a shocking ending. But seriously that sucks, I'm sorry that happened.


Frillwee95 12

At least you made it outta there alive!

When are people going to learn go not run from the cops? Sorry OP but YDI

Ali_Br_fml 33

OP most likely didn't know it was the police... if I heard some people busting into a place where I was, I'd get my butt outta there too. I don't wanna die because I decided to investigate a strange sound...

The problem with that scenario is that the cops usually announce themselves before shooting even tasers

cheshireau 26

The first thing you do when you see cops is run? In a place that you work? Ok then.

This was a tough ran that makes it a YDI but the other end you didn't know about it and that's makes it a FYL...

YDI, running from the police gets you in some trouble and you should know that from the news.

_awwhellnaw_ 45

I kinda imagined that maybe OP got there first, usually getting there second or third, or thereabouts, and thought, "Maybe the first guy is running late. I have the key, I can go in anyway, set up, whatevs." Then the police turn up, don't announce themselves, something. So OP hears people running about and people burst through near where they are, gets scared, runs a bit, probably to put some distance, and gets tasered.

Xandrick 22

Okay, if you knew they were cops, then it was a bad idea to run. But if you didn't know at first and just ran on pure instinct, then that's totally understandable. Either way, hope you're doing okay now, OP.

What is happening in Virginia state.. So far i read three FMLs from same state

Why'd you run? If you didn't do anything wrong there's no reason to run from the cops. Duh.