
By Anonymous - 09/07/2011 00:12 - United States

Today, I found out that the landscaping job I started three weeks ago is actually for an illicit business run by a hippie who pissed away the entire payroll to fund his drug habit. He has no way of coughing up the $900 he owes me. I'm broke as hell, and my electricity is now going to get cut off. FML
I agree, your life sucks 41 076
You deserved it 4 582

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You should've done some research before, but still. It sucks man/girl.


devilbuddy66 5

it's all about the money maaaannn lol

you should have made a contract because in that way he has no choice but to pay you. or you can kick hiss ass

anotherNERD12560 0

maybe sell the computer your on

JacksonHorton 0

never trust a stinky hippie in business

anyone else notice that this guy didn't "pass" away, he "pissed" away?

uh sue him? it's not like you'd lose.

you can legally sue and easily win if he does that so take him to court