
By Anonymous - 09/07/2011 00:12 - United States

Today, I found out that the landscaping job I started three weeks ago is actually for an illicit business run by a hippie who pissed away the entire payroll to fund his drug habit. He has no way of coughing up the $900 he owes me. I'm broke as hell, and my electricity is now going to get cut off. FML
I agree, your life sucks 41 076
You deserved it 4 582

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You should've done some research before, but still. It sucks man/girl.


u can take him to court for that. one you needed the money and he dint have it. 2) he wasted it on drugs, if u have evidence even better. ur bound to win that case.

I'd call the cops first and anonymously tip them off about his drug habit and possible existence of his stash. THEN I'd take him to small claims court. A criminal conviction relating to drugs within the same time span? won't look so good when you're suing his ass for your rightful money.

irtlw 1

from reading the post i'm pretty sure the op is the landscaper and the hippie is the person in charge of the "business" who was suppose to be paying for the work. which would explain why the op can't pay his bills because he was never paid. most people seem to have switched this around for some reason? in the future, op should get the money upfront or at least a down payment before starting the landscaping.

dude just sue his ass or report him u need your money

bitchslapped22 14
JustinRulezD00d 0