Say hello, wave goodbye

By Anonymous - 11/07/2009 18:11 - United States

Today, my boyfriend wanted to take me to a movie after days of not seeing me. This long-awaited date involved me paying for food and my movie ticket when he ran out of cash again. He then dumped me as we left the theater walking to his car. Yes, I financed my own breakup date. FML
I agree, your life sucks 49 821
You deserved it 4 863

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Maybe part of why he broke up with you is you seem like you expect to always get paid for, treated, and funded on a date. Depending on how long you two have been together for some guys this can get annoying and seem greedy of you after awhile. Don't get me wrong I'm a girl, but yeah I don't just assume my boyfriend will pay for everything. I bring my money and I am fully willing and able to pay for myself on a date it doesn't bother me. If he offers to pay though I'm fine with that too. Also, I offer to pay for him and I both sometimes its an equal giving process. So yeah the breakup was probably over other stuff too, but it really is not so horrible to have to pay for a date. Also, maybe this last date was his last attempt to see if you'd change your approach any. Have you ever even offered to pay for the dates or been grateful when he has paid? Not assuming one way or another just genuinely wondering.

FYL, I'm sorry to hear that. Find someone who will treat you well :)


Seti_fml 0

yea... from how i read this, the OP just had to pay for her own things. It sucks that he broke up with you, but you can't expect the guy to pay for you all the time.

OUCH whatta gold diggah! Though yeah you shouldn't expect him to pay for everything.

This has happened to me! I ended up paying for my break up dinner with my ex-boyfriend too. It sucks, because they wait until AFTER you've already paid for everything and then they break up with you, lol! What losers... Trust me, with the way you worded this, especially the "he ran out of cash again" part, you will be way better off without him. There's nothing wrong with not having any money, but there is definitely something wrong with saying you want to take someone out on a date, making them pay for it, and then dumping them after it's all done. Good riddance, I say :-)

I for once forgot what FML is, so my first tought about this, was "Oh, I hope my next boyfriend will treat me like that". Until I read the rest xD

Us guys don't have to pay for everything. Then some women complain about sexism, it's so pissing off. #16 is good, paying sometimes, that's what a true girlfriend would do.

Hm. Move on. It isn't such a bad Fml. Atleast your ex had the guts to tell you instead of text message. But if you loved your ex a lot, then a FYL indeed.

cherry_blossom 0

Agreed. And text message break ups are lame.

Ofcourse, both guys and girls need to pay sometimes.

I'm sorry but this is a repeat of a nother fml. this one however is extended. thus this is a nother reasion why I don't date...yet... how ever to the op...I'm sorry to hear that. RI

you Don't date Cause of other people's break up's?

Well... What movie did you see? Was it at least good?

seb12992 0

Good riddance to bad rubbish, you're better off without that @$$hole.