Safety first

By phlyingphuck - 31/08/2009 12:44 - United States

Today, my mother finally pressured me to wear my old helmet while riding my bike. Halfway through my ride, 3 spiders came crawling out of it and onto my face, causing me to lose control of the bike and crash head-first. FML
I agree, your life sucks 45 636
You deserved it 7 894

Same thing different taste

Top comments

well at least you were wearing a helmet...

Ligerie 0

Thats my worst fear, spiders popping out of nowhere and me dying as the result.


That's why you check your helmet before you put it on. I've been doing that since I was 11.

well at least you were wearing your helmet when you fell.

that's why you never, NEVER wear helmets. they'll kill you.



well, if u had started wearing ur helmet some time before ur mom forced u to, then there wouldn't be spiders in it.

u just gotta know how to fall off the bike... helmets are for *******

#99 you are so right. You keep your head up when you fall. That way you don't hit it. Plus, people generally put thier arms out to catch themselves or in this case protect thier face.

YDI for not cleaning the damn helmet, nor for using it to begin with. You do know they actually save lives, right?

Dude! I have been checking my frikken helmet and shoes and rollerskates since I was like 6!!! I once found a snail in my rollerskates. I know snail are not as bad as spiders and scorpions but still ewww much?

Helloweentonite 0